How Long Does Alcohol Detox Take?

All people affected by alcohol addiction face a period of detoxification when they begin their recovery. Detox gives you the chance to clear any remaining alcohol from your system. It also prepares you to keep your recovery going once you pass through alcohol withdrawal. How long does alcohol detox take? That depends on your personal…

How Drugs and Alcohol Can Cause a Compromised Immune System

COVID-19 is here. Anyone with a compromised immune system is at a higher risk of developing complications from the disease. There’s a lot of concern for elderly individuals who often have weaker immune systems and co-occurring medical conditions. However, those who use drugs or alcohol may have a compromised immune system as well. At Rockland…

Woman who is a functioning alcoholic speaking to friend

What Exactly Is a Functioning Alcoholic?

Drinking at social events is so normalized in our culture that we do not notice the signs of alcoholism until it is too late. “Functioning alcoholism” is a colloquial term often used to describe those who are secretly struggling with alcohol addiction, but outwardly appear to live normal, productive lives with an active social circle.…